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Welcome to AMW Myofunctional Therapy! Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is a function-based therapy program that targets proper nasal breathing, oral resting posture, chewing, and swallowing. With improper orofacial myofunctional habits, these muscle imbalances can affect the growth and development of the airway, facial features, and contribute to poor sleep quality and quantity in children and adults.


What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?

A neurologic re-education or re-patterning therapy of the tongue and facial muscles using specific therapeutic techniques. Teaching individuals to activate and rest the oral muscles to assist in proper function, growth, esthetics, and good health.

Correcting these habits with an individualized assessment and therapy program has tremendous benefits for the present and future.

What are OMDs

When breathing through your nose the air is filtered prior to entering your lungs. If you are breathing through your mouth there is no filtration system in place, allowing bacteria and viruses to easily enter the body. Nasal breathing is necessary for optimal health.

Positive impact

With Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, a patient can regain the joy of eating, speaking, breathing, and even sleeping more soundly. Cosmetic improvements can help restore confidence and self-esteem. We believe that everyone deserves to be educated about myofunctional disorders and treated if they suffer from OMDs.

Most common benefits can include:

  • Reduction in teeth grinding (Bruxism)

  • Better facial symmetry

  • Proper breathing

  • Reduced nasal congestion

  • Improve attention span

  • Optimize arch development for straighter teeth

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduction in orthodontic relapse

  • Improved word enunciation

Where to start

Schedule a complimentary 20-30 minute inquiry to discuss your concerns and how Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy may benefit you. Or start right away with a comprehensive evaluation where one of our therapist will assess and review any potential Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD) that your child or yourself may present with.

After the comprehensive assessment we will be able to create an individualized treatment plan with effective and targeted exercises to address the goals.

Optimal spacing in primary dentition: close to a dime should fit vertically between each tooth.

If no or limited spacing is present this can indicate improper use of facial and oral muscles.