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Below are different categories and media platforms to help expand on the information I have provided on my site.


Reading Materials

Is Your Tongue Killing You? by Joy Moeller, BS, RDH, AOMT-C Book

Airway is Life: Waking Up to Your Family’s Sleep Crisis by Dr. Meghna Dassani Book

The Tired Child: How Sleep and Sleep Breathing Can Change Your Child's Life by Dr. Meghna Dassani Book

Tongue-Tied by Richard Baxter, DMD, MS Book

Sleep Wrecked Kids Helping Parents Raise Happy, Healthy Kids, One Sleep at a Time by Sharon Moore Book

Breathe a New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor Book

Sleep, Interrupted: A physician reveals the #1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired By Steven Y. Park, M.D. Book

The Dental Diet by Dr. Steven Lin Book

Gasp!: Airway Health- The Hidden Path To Wellness by Dr. Michael Gleb and Dr. Howard Hindin Book Dr. Gleb’s Blog

Nobody Ever Told Me (or my Mother) That! by Dian Bahr, MS. CCC-SLP, CIMI Book

The Oxygen Advantage and Close Your Mouth by Patrick McKeown Books



I Spy With My Myo Eye Hosted by Brittny Sciarra, RDH, BS, C.O.M ®, QOM Spotify

The Beauty of Breathing by Airway Circle Spotify

The Untethered Podcast by Hallie Bulkin MA, CCC-SLP, COM website



Dr. Soroush Zaghi, MD The Breathe Institute and Zaghimd

Sarah K Hornsby RDH, BS Myofunctional Therapist Faceology

Buteyko Breathing Method Buteyko Clinic

Hallie Bulkin MA, CCC-SLP, COM Little Sprout Speech

Health:latch Circle website


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*Please note that if you’re under 18 years of age, you’ will need to have your parent(s) or legal guardian contact us.

AMW Myofunctional Therapy is NOT in contract with any insurance providers.

HSA and FSA payments are approved.